Lassenview Home renovation is an overhaul of this older home. By adding on and optimizing the given space this project is working to bring this home into the 21st of design with both the aesthetic and design. 

August 2, 2021:

Construction began on August 2, 2021 with staking out the space for the new garage in order to pour the concrete. 

September 3, 2021
This week at the Lassenview drive home we’re almost ready for the foundation to be poured. The new garage and addition to the home on the ground floor are all staked out for the next pour.

September 13, 2021
This week at the Lassenview drive home we've got the foundation poured.

September 21, 2021

This week at Lassenview we're working on the infill for the foundation.

October 10, 2021

This week at Lassenview we're working on the framing for the new garage

December 31st

The garage is all framed up and the roof is on

July 2022:
Getting ready for Stucco at Lassenview Dr.